i wish people would stop dying.
or, more selfishly to the point, i wish they would stop dying on the caltrain tracks and setting commuters back 1-2 hours.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
i hate tapas bars
the food is good. the drinks are good.
the prices are exorbitant and the wait is not worth it. who on earth pays money to be seen eating in a restaurant off of tiny little plates with little portions and still be hungry?! how on earth is that remotely worth it?!
the anti-restaurant and the anti-buffet. i can't believe i'm paying for this.
the prices are exorbitant and the wait is not worth it. who on earth pays money to be seen eating in a restaurant off of tiny little plates with little portions and still be hungry?! how on earth is that remotely worth it?!
the anti-restaurant and the anti-buffet. i can't believe i'm paying for this.
Monday, April 5, 2010
things that boggle the mind and things that i finally understand
1. saw a license plate that said "yesterday is tomorrow." really? wtf.
2. janelle monae's forward moonwalk.
she's my favorite new artist. lady gaga watch out! and beyonce..just get out of the way.
1. omgwtfbbq: oh my god what the fuck barbeque?
as Kevin Spacey would say...WRONG! or..he would say....
oh my god what the fuck BITCH BE QUIET!
totally makes sense now.
2. bulimia - why do it?
ate a mcd's cheeseburger yesterday, and it seriously felt like lead in my stomach. if bulimics feel like that when they eat..i totally understand why they just throw up afterwards.
1. saw a license plate that said "yesterday is tomorrow." really? wtf.
2. janelle monae's forward moonwalk.
she's my favorite new artist. lady gaga watch out! and beyonce..just get out of the way.
1. omgwtfbbq: oh my god what the fuck barbeque?
as Kevin Spacey would say...WRONG! or..he would say....
oh my god what the fuck BITCH BE QUIET!
totally makes sense now.
2. bulimia - why do it?
ate a mcd's cheeseburger yesterday, and it seriously felt like lead in my stomach. if bulimics feel like that when they eat..i totally understand why they just throw up afterwards.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
still being optimistic
my friend from UCLA came up this weekend! so we've been hanging out since yesterday.
but god, everything before that just wasn't so good.
well, good things first!
1. carmen's here! and she'll brighten anyone's day!
she got here yesterday, and wow, it was guitar hero heaven. + food. which just makes life worth living. we went to McCarthy Ranch with her friends, and i found... STINKY TOFU. you could smell it from a block away. pretty freaking amazing. she tried a piece and i think she kinda threw up in her mouth. i also tried an avocado smoothie for the first time, and it was extremely grassy and refreshing. not the type of grassy that get you high...but the end result was good enough. made you feel all fluffy inside.
the festivities continue today!
is that the end of the good things? i think it might be.
well then...not so good things.
1. me and carmen got haircuts..and i know i've been wanting to grow it out, but i couldnt resist and chopped it all off. for 15 bucks. i think you can imagine how horrible a 15 dollar supposedly precision haircut influenced by poorly trained asian hairdressers turns out.
you guessed it. absolutely horrid.
oh well, it'll grow out, and i think i'll spike it and look like a lesbian. just for kicks.
2. i had an interview at a marketing firm. the prelim interview took place on tuesday. when i walked in they were playing lady gaga and ne yo and all those good artists in the reception area. odd, i thought, but okay. i like the music. i can get down.
the interviewer walked by and kinda did a double take when he saw me. is it cuz i'm really tall? is it cuz i'm extremely weird looking? is it yellow fever? whatever.
then i walked in for the interview. white guy, kinda short, stocky build. definitely one of those cool bosses. he introduced himself as michael. he was wearing a dark grey suit with a blue dress shirt and some type of generic dark striped tie. then, he started talking about sales, leadership, and whether or not i take rejection well.
then, he mentioned paper products.
is anyone else thinking of the office now? seriously. i never realized the genius of that show until i went to that interview.
so he calls and invites me to a second interview the next day.
2. these people are basically commuting salesmen. they each have a territory in the south bay, and they drive to different shopping plazas, walk from store to store, and push owners and office managers to buy their office supplies.
during the second interview i had to shadow one of these people, and was basically walking around all day. they hadn't told me i'd be doing that, so i was in heels and a suit the whole day. needless to say, i wasn't very happy, and i was almost embarrassed to be associated with the salesguy, because he was SO FREAKIN PUSHY.
i really don't think i can ever work retail. oh well. that's the end of that.
3. i'd interviewed for an internship last week, and was supposed to hear on thursday if i'd gotten it.
i didn't.
4. interviewed for a different pt editing job on thursday in sf. i've basically been going to sf for these things, so basically a 2.5 hour commute for around 30 minutes of face time. don't know if it was worth it..i just got an email requesting writing samples..so i guess that means i still have a chance?
ok then. i guess i can look to next week with some hope...maybe i'll finally get a job.
at any rate, i had a great friend come over to remedy my less than perfect week.
and that's always a good thing.
but god, everything before that just wasn't so good.
well, good things first!
1. carmen's here! and she'll brighten anyone's day!
she got here yesterday, and wow, it was guitar hero heaven. + food. which just makes life worth living. we went to McCarthy Ranch with her friends, and i found... STINKY TOFU. you could smell it from a block away. pretty freaking amazing. she tried a piece and i think she kinda threw up in her mouth. i also tried an avocado smoothie for the first time, and it was extremely grassy and refreshing. not the type of grassy that get you high...but the end result was good enough. made you feel all fluffy inside.
the festivities continue today!
is that the end of the good things? i think it might be.
well then...not so good things.
1. me and carmen got haircuts..and i know i've been wanting to grow it out, but i couldnt resist and chopped it all off. for 15 bucks. i think you can imagine how horrible a 15 dollar supposedly precision haircut influenced by poorly trained asian hairdressers turns out.
you guessed it. absolutely horrid.
oh well, it'll grow out, and i think i'll spike it and look like a lesbian. just for kicks.
2. i had an interview at a marketing firm. the prelim interview took place on tuesday. when i walked in they were playing lady gaga and ne yo and all those good artists in the reception area. odd, i thought, but okay. i like the music. i can get down.
the interviewer walked by and kinda did a double take when he saw me. is it cuz i'm really tall? is it cuz i'm extremely weird looking? is it yellow fever? whatever.
then i walked in for the interview. white guy, kinda short, stocky build. definitely one of those cool bosses. he introduced himself as michael. he was wearing a dark grey suit with a blue dress shirt and some type of generic dark striped tie. then, he started talking about sales, leadership, and whether or not i take rejection well.
then, he mentioned paper products.
is anyone else thinking of the office now? seriously. i never realized the genius of that show until i went to that interview.
so he calls and invites me to a second interview the next day.
2. these people are basically commuting salesmen. they each have a territory in the south bay, and they drive to different shopping plazas, walk from store to store, and push owners and office managers to buy their office supplies.
during the second interview i had to shadow one of these people, and was basically walking around all day. they hadn't told me i'd be doing that, so i was in heels and a suit the whole day. needless to say, i wasn't very happy, and i was almost embarrassed to be associated with the salesguy, because he was SO FREAKIN PUSHY.
i really don't think i can ever work retail. oh well. that's the end of that.
3. i'd interviewed for an internship last week, and was supposed to hear on thursday if i'd gotten it.
i didn't.
4. interviewed for a different pt editing job on thursday in sf. i've basically been going to sf for these things, so basically a 2.5 hour commute for around 30 minutes of face time. don't know if it was worth it..i just got an email requesting writing samples..so i guess that means i still have a chance?
ok then. i guess i can look to next week with some hope...maybe i'll finally get a job.
at any rate, i had a great friend come over to remedy my less than perfect week.
and that's always a good thing.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
food day with the great ANDY
for some reason, when i met up with roland and andy i decided to wear the same exact outfit i always wore at tsuru. time warp big time. fit in with the alice in wonderland theme.
at any rate...
7X7 magazine put out a list of 100 things to try before you die on FOOD, and since andy lives near/in the mission district, we went to two of the places there on the list.
the first one on the left is at margherita pizza at pizzeria delfina. yay andy!
i couldn't have found a better place to completely 180 my horrible clam chowder experience on thursday. the sauce was salty and fresh, which worked with the mozzarella, which i always find to be a somewhat bland cheese. the crust was crispy on the bottom, but still had a layer of soft and chewy dough just above that. the perfect way to suck up the tomato juice. and it just made it more interesting to eat than a single layer of cracker crust..which just makes me think i'm eating a very expensive tortilla chip. only thing is, wish there had been more basil. i love basil.
next up was ice cream at the bi-rite creamery! the line was out the door, and was curving around the corner by the time we'd gotten our fix. the recommended one was salty caramel, which was delicious. the white one was ginger, which i liked even more. they have really offbeat flavors there...first one that comes to mind is roasted banana, which someone in the line said was really good.
the reason it's in a bowl is cuz i originally only asked for a cone, but when i tried to pay for my ice cream the ice cream tipped over onto the counter. i wailed and picked it up and stuck it back on. the lady asked me if i wanted a new one, but i figured it was still good. she gave me a bowl though, just in case.
god san francisco is full of hippies. the ice cream store used sustainable ingredients, and all of the bowls and stuff were made out of recycled materials. that meant the counter was probably cleaned with something non-toxic. right? RIGHT? whatever it's three days later and i'm still fine.
yay for hippie thinking.
after...went to market street for some shopping. everything i like is way out of my unemployed price range, so all i did was look. andy succeeded in buying a pair of pants that actually manages to make his ass look flat..wonder of wonders.
ended our day with none other than happy hour at bar norcini. lucia
with a beer. who knew?

well, our ending thought was this:
"sex in a public bathroom?
yeah..that's exactly what beer smells like."
god, the party is just about to begin.
at any rate...
7X7 magazine put out a list of 100 things to try before you die on FOOD, and since andy lives near/in the mission district, we went to two of the places there on the list.
the first one on the left is at margherita pizza at pizzeria delfina. yay andy!
i couldn't have found a better place to completely 180 my horrible clam chowder experience on thursday. the sauce was salty and fresh, which worked with the mozzarella, which i always find to be a somewhat bland cheese. the crust was crispy on the bottom, but still had a layer of soft and chewy dough just above that. the perfect way to suck up the tomato juice. and it just made it more interesting to eat than a single layer of cracker crust..which just makes me think i'm eating a very expensive tortilla chip. only thing is, wish there had been more basil. i love basil.
the reason it's in a bowl is cuz i originally only asked for a cone, but when i tried to pay for my ice cream the ice cream tipped over onto the counter. i wailed and picked it up and stuck it back on. the lady asked me if i wanted a new one, but i figured it was still good. she gave me a bowl though, just in case.
god san francisco is full of hippies. the ice cream store used sustainable ingredients, and all of the bowls and stuff were made out of recycled materials. that meant the counter was probably cleaned with something non-toxic. right? RIGHT? whatever it's three days later and i'm still fine.
yay for hippie thinking.
after...went to market street for some shopping. everything i like is way out of my unemployed price range, so all i did was look. andy succeeded in buying a pair of pants that actually manages to make his ass look flat..wonder of wonders.
ended our day with none other than happy hour at bar norcini. lucia
well, our ending thought was this:
"sex in a public bathroom?
yeah..that's exactly what beer smells like."
god, the party is just about to begin.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
honestly. i have never been so pissed off at a dish before. because this wasn't a question of differing tastes, it was simply a result of carelessness and lack of integrity.
ok the soup itself was flavorless as well, but whatever maybe i like heavily flavored things.
my friend and i went to the pier to get some soup to end our day in san francisco. we decided not to go to boudin, and to try some of the smaller shops on the side.
and i don't know if i had set my expectations too high, but this soup put me off clam chowders forever.
it was flavorless, lukewarm, sandy, and LUMPY.
ok, maybe when i say lumpy it doesnt sound too bad. but i mean, when i put it on my spoon and then to my mouth, it sat on my spoon like oatmeal. when i tasted it, i almost thought they had pre-breaded my soup, but soon realized that all those lumps where lumps of flour they had used for the roux in the beginning of the cooking process.
upon reflection i realized maybe it was because our timing was off...going near the end of the day would probably result in us getting leftovers.
but wait...hold it...think about it....
you know what'll happen if you serve leftovers? you'll get someone fucking angry like me ranting about it and telling all patrons NOT TO GO THERE.
chefs who serve food, and ask people to pay for the preparation of it, have a responsibility to the people who eat it. that's the bottom line. that's your fucking job. your livelihood is to make other people happy through your food. don't you take any pride in that?
you think it's not the rush hour, so only a few people will get your shitty chowder and that you can get away with it.
honestly. i have never been so pissed off at a dish before. because this wasn't a question of differing tastes, it was simply a result of carelessness and lack of integrity.
ok the soup itself was flavorless as well, but whatever maybe i like heavily flavored things.
my friend and i went to the pier to get some soup to end our day in san francisco. we decided not to go to boudin, and to try some of the smaller shops on the side.
and i don't know if i had set my expectations too high, but this soup put me off clam chowders forever.
it was flavorless, lukewarm, sandy, and LUMPY.
ok, maybe when i say lumpy it doesnt sound too bad. but i mean, when i put it on my spoon and then to my mouth, it sat on my spoon like oatmeal. when i tasted it, i almost thought they had pre-breaded my soup, but soon realized that all those lumps where lumps of flour they had used for the roux in the beginning of the cooking process.
upon reflection i realized maybe it was because our timing was off...going near the end of the day would probably result in us getting leftovers.
but wait...hold it...think about it....
you know what'll happen if you serve leftovers? you'll get someone fucking angry like me ranting about it and telling all patrons NOT TO GO THERE.
chefs who serve food, and ask people to pay for the preparation of it, have a responsibility to the people who eat it. that's the bottom line. that's your fucking job. your livelihood is to make other people happy through your food. don't you take any pride in that?
you think it's not the rush hour, so only a few people will get your shitty chowder and that you can get away with it.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
i've been talking to roland about my trip, and he's deemed it a lucia holiday.
and, there are three things i'm supposed to do during this holiday.
too bad i only remember two of what he said.
1. eat indian food
2. charm an english boy.
3. ? i forgot.
i was going to write it down as soon as we went over it, but i procrastinated and now have forgotten!
damn my bad habits.
it's okay. the first two seem important enough.
and in the words of kheng...
"Anyway, have lots of fun in England. Drink if it makes you happy. Use protection. Be safe."
and, there are three things i'm supposed to do during this holiday.
too bad i only remember two of what he said.
1. eat indian food
2. charm an english boy.
3. ? i forgot.
i was going to write it down as soon as we went over it, but i procrastinated and now have forgotten!
damn my bad habits.
it's okay. the first two seem important enough.
and in the words of kheng...
"Anyway, have lots of fun in England. Drink if it makes you happy. Use protection. Be safe."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
listening to jack johnson and do as infinity and reading good omens
i have no idea where the past two months have gone, but i have to say that it's been a nice hazy filling time, and i think i'm finally ready to get things going again.
god, when i first got back, i think i slept for two weeks straight, and i didn't even have enough energy to make the turkey i had planned for christmas. my last week in taiwan was a freaking whirlwind, and i was sick for most of it..as those who saw me in japan can attest.
congrats to me! haha. i think my period might finally be getting back to normal. sorry if that's tmi, but it's really a great relief since it'd been stressing me out for about three months. it was so freaking draining when it wouldnt stop.
i've caught glimpses of a show on mtv called "the buried life," and i dunno..for a reality show on MTV (the network that started the Jersey Shore - which is also pretty amazing) it's freaking inspiring.
it's basically just one simple question: What do you want to do before you die?
having realized just how truly lazy i am, i'm not even going to consider what i would do today if i were to die tomorrow, cuz then, i would probably just make horseradish sour cream mashed potatoes (courtesy of tyler florence), lemon drop cupcakes (courtesy of rachel rappaport), and go to muir woods and then sit at the beach for the rest of the day with some hot cocoa. maybe watch some movies and play some rock band. all of this, with friends, of course. actually...that doesnt sound half bad.
i wouldn't do anything inspiring, or anything that would make me somehow in/famous and make a ton of money... cuz seriously, that's not really the point, is it?
and i'm much much much too lazy for that.
but what i've thought of i think i could do, tolerably well, and have a pretty good time while i'm at it. so that's what i would do.
WHO WANTS TO DO IT WITH ME?!?!?! krysta...i'm really looking at you cuz you're supposed to come visit ahahahhaa.
we should all figure out something to do with one another yeah?
yeah yeah yeah.
side note:
mtv also came out with an american version of silent library..which isnt half as cool as the japanese one. why?
strangers play with each other for money, with new strangers each week. japanese silent library was hilarious because they just filmed a group of friends who loved to fuck with each other and laugh. american jackass style.
that's the point right?
it's always about FRIENDS~!
god, when i first got back, i think i slept for two weeks straight, and i didn't even have enough energy to make the turkey i had planned for christmas. my last week in taiwan was a freaking whirlwind, and i was sick for most of it..as those who saw me in japan can attest.
congrats to me! haha. i think my period might finally be getting back to normal. sorry if that's tmi, but it's really a great relief since it'd been stressing me out for about three months. it was so freaking draining when it wouldnt stop.
i've caught glimpses of a show on mtv called "the buried life," and i dunno..for a reality show on MTV (the network that started the Jersey Shore - which is also pretty amazing) it's freaking inspiring.
it's basically just one simple question: What do you want to do before you die?
having realized just how truly lazy i am, i'm not even going to consider what i would do today if i were to die tomorrow, cuz then, i would probably just make horseradish sour cream mashed potatoes (courtesy of tyler florence), lemon drop cupcakes (courtesy of rachel rappaport), and go to muir woods and then sit at the beach for the rest of the day with some hot cocoa. maybe watch some movies and play some rock band. all of this, with friends, of course. actually...that doesnt sound half bad.
i wouldn't do anything inspiring, or anything that would make me somehow in/famous and make a ton of money... cuz seriously, that's not really the point, is it?
and i'm much much much too lazy for that.
but what i've thought of i think i could do, tolerably well, and have a pretty good time while i'm at it. so that's what i would do.
WHO WANTS TO DO IT WITH ME?!?!?! krysta...i'm really looking at you cuz you're supposed to come visit ahahahhaa.
we should all figure out something to do with one another yeah?
yeah yeah yeah.
side note:
mtv also came out with an american version of silent library..which isnt half as cool as the japanese one. why?
strangers play with each other for money, with new strangers each week. japanese silent library was hilarious because they just filmed a group of friends who loved to fuck with each other and laugh. american jackass style.
that's the point right?
it's always about FRIENDS~!
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