at any rate...
7X7 magazine put out a list of 100 things to try before you die on FOOD, and since andy lives near/in the mission district, we went to two of the places there on the list.
the first one on the left is at margherita pizza at pizzeria delfina. yay andy!
i couldn't have found a better place to completely 180 my horrible clam chowder experience on thursday. the sauce was salty and fresh, which worked with the mozzarella, which i always find to be a somewhat bland cheese. the crust was crispy on the bottom, but still had a layer of soft and chewy dough just above that. the perfect way to suck up the tomato juice. and it just made it more interesting to eat than a single layer of cracker crust..which just makes me think i'm eating a very expensive tortilla chip. only thing is, wish there had been more basil. i love basil.
the reason it's in a bowl is cuz i originally only asked for a cone, but when i tried to pay for my ice cream the ice cream tipped over onto the counter. i wailed and picked it up and stuck it back on. the lady asked me if i wanted a new one, but i figured it was still good. she gave me a bowl though, just in case.
god san francisco is full of hippies. the ice cream store used sustainable ingredients, and all of the bowls and stuff were made out of recycled materials. that meant the counter was probably cleaned with something non-toxic. right? RIGHT? whatever it's three days later and i'm still fine.
yay for hippie thinking.
after...went to market street for some shopping. everything i like is way out of my unemployed price range, so all i did was look. andy succeeded in buying a pair of pants that actually manages to make his ass look flat..wonder of wonders.
ended our day with none other than happy hour at bar norcini. lucia
well, our ending thought was this:
"sex in a public bathroom?
yeah..that's exactly what beer smells like."
god, the party is just about to begin.