my dog's no lexus. he's not refined or dignified or luxurious. he's just a rompadilly gluttonous manipulative JACK.
but i love him.
look he's eating that pig ear so fast that he's blurry.
anyways, this time a bird decided to poop on him while he was out taking a walk. my mom's standing right next to him, and there's tons of open concrete all around him, but the dropping just falls smack in the middle of his back. white liquid with a black, solid center - kinda like a chocolate truffle, i guess. poop colored to match. even when shat on, my dog is stylish.
does this bode well for the chungs?
apparently so, because my parents found someone who's willing to fix the car and hound the insurance company for the money that should cover the damages.
yay doggles.
1 comment:
In Italy, they say it's good luck if a bird craps on you. How kind of Bobo to share it with the whole family. :)
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