Wednesday, September 23, 2009

cockroaches are so dirty that soap can kill them.

anyway me and my roommate are drowning in these motherfuckers, and since we stayed up last night cleaning away the dust and clutter on the table and floor, we can see them a hell of a lot better now.

which means these suckers are going to be fucking cockroach pancakes.


the swiffer broom has been co opted as the cockroach masher. we just take turns standing guard.

someone told me that i don't like it here because i havent met any good guys here. that if i met someone good, i would want to stay, because taiwan is a very good place.

maybe i'm just being close-minded, but i dont see that happening. at all. ever.

as far as i'm concerned, the guys here are about as useful as the roaches dirtying my tile floor.

1 comment:

creamydurian said...

swifter = cleaning agent + insect terminator

greatest investment i made this year

miss you, btw